News & Blogs

  • Team

Interview: Meet the Gore Street Capital CEO, Alex O’Cinneide

Gore Street Capital (GSC) has been a leading player in the energy storage space since its inception in 2015, commissioning its first 6 MW asset in 2017 before launching the UK’s first energy storage fund on the London Stock Exchange a year later.
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  • Green Energy

How could a second Trump presidency impact the US energy transition?

The US has been undergoing a clean investment boom for several years, most recently buoyed by the introduction of the Inflation Reduction Act, one of the most substantive and important pieces of climate legislation in history. Passed in 2022 under Democratic President Joe Biden, it promised $369 billion of investment in energy security and climate change initiatives over ten years. This continues to offer investors like Gore Street Capital improved certainty to allocate capital and deploy renewable power generation and manufacturing facilities across the US.
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  • Energy Storage

How GSC is improving investor confidence in the Irish market

As one of the first to support fundraising and deployment of large-scale energy storage assets in Northern Ireland (NI) and the Republic of Ireland (ROI), Gore Street Capital has played a material role in establishing the market while contributing to the decarbonisation of the all-island system. The diversified approach taken on behalf of the UK-listed Gore Street Energy Storage Fund (LSE: GSF) first took GSC to Ireland in 2019 and, in the years since, we have built 130 MW of energy storage capacity with another 180 MW to follow by the end of 2026.

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  • Energy Storage

How GSC is riding out single market decline with a diversified portfolio

2024 has already proved to be a challenging year for the renewable energy infrastructure sector, with even the largest funds trading at significant discounts. This has been felt most acutely in the energy storage segment, where Great Britain’s (GB) expanding battery capacity has increased market saturation and caused revenues from ancillary services to fall to historic lows.
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  • Energy Storage

Gore Street Capital Appointed Joint Manager of Japan’s first Energy Storage Fund

We are pleased to announce that Gore Street Capital and ITOCHU Corporation have been selected by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) to launch Japan's first fund dedicated to grid-scale energy storage systems.

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  • Team

Why supporting women is key to driving the energy transition

As a growing team of around 45 energy professionals working in Great Britain, Ireland and the US to manage a near 1.2 GW global energy storage portfolio, we believe a diverse workforce is not just essential for a more inclusive society but for advancing the clean energy transition. Gore Street Capital is, therefore, proud to sponsor the 2023 POWERful Women (PfW) Annual Conference, taking place on 15 November, in support of its aims to address the under-representation of women in the energy sector.
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  • Team

How GSC’s in-house expertise is delivering diversified success

Representatives of GSC hosted a Capital Markets Day on 3 October for a group of over 20 analysts, investors and brokers to further elaborate on the successes of this strategy and showcase the expertise of the Investment Manager’s in-house technical team. They were welcomed to the site of what will be the fund’s newest and largest asset to date – the 80 MW Stony project – when it enters commercial operations later this year.

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  • Energy Storage

How Northern Ireland and Texas are proving the case for diversification

Diversification has always been a guiding principle of the strategy adopted by Gore Street Energy Storage Fund (GSF) and Gore Street Capital (GSC) as its Investment Manager. The fluctuations in value available within Great Britain (GB) since commissioning of GSF’s first asset in 2017 has driven GSC to lower its exposure to volatility in a single market by pursuing opportunities in other locations. 

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  • Energy Storage

What’s going wrong for energy storage in the Balancing Mechanism?

For energy storage operators in Great Britain (GB) facing a squeeze in available returns from ancillary services, the Balancing Mechanism (BM) represents a key market for potential revenue. 
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  • Team

Gore Street Capital: meet the Commercial Team

Since its beginnings in 2015, Gore Street Capital (GSC) has been dedicated to playing a material role in the low carbon energy transition. Its founding members chose energy storage to achieve this due to the technology’s inherent ability to integrate renewable generation across global energy grid systems. GSC went on to launch London’s first listed fund dedicated to the technology asset class, establishing energy storage as an investible proposition.  
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  • Green Energy

Driving innovation through the CleanTech Challenge

2023 has marked the beginning of a new long-term relationship between Gore Street Capital (GSC) and the CleanTech Challenge, a business pitch competition hosted by the London Business School (LBS) and University College London (UCL). 

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  • Energy Storage

California calling as US expansion continues

Gore Street was founded with the express goal of making a material impact in the deployment of renewable energy to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable world. Our investment team is constantly seeking out ever-increasing opportunities to secure projects able to deliver a sizeable benefit to the grid systems in which they operate....

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  • Green Energy

Tackling climate volatility in the Texas market

Texas has become a volatile market in recent years due largely to the extreme weather events that are increasingly taking place on a regular basis due to climate change. The winter storms of February 2021, which left 246 people dead, laid bare weaknesses in the state’s grid system, operated by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). Over 52 GW of capacity was lost from the grid, led by outages at gas-fired power plants, as frozen systems failed across the state.
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  • Energy Storage

Autumn Statement delivers clarity for energy storage

While 2022 will undoubtedly be remembered for global geopolitical and economic instability, it also represents one of the most turbulent years for the energy sector. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February continues to cause international disruption to energy supplies, contributing to a cost-of-living crisis in which soaring energy bills have played a direct part.
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  • Renewables Investments

How EU regulation is pushing recycling to the forefront

Despite being such a young industry, the energy storage market is expected to face overwhelming demand in the coming years as electric vehicles and stationary systems surge. This places considerable pressure on the industry to establish end-of-life disposal and, more importantly, recycling capabilities.

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  • Green Energy

A just and equal approach to climate action

It has become increasingly clear that the issues of climate change and social inequality are inextricably linked. As the effects of climate change accelerate, it is the poorest portions of the global population that will be most keenly and catastrophically affected.
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  • Energy Storage

The IPCC is clearer than ever on the speed with which we need address climate change

Like the two documents that preceded it, the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – which outlines what the world needs to …
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  • Team

Conversations with Alex O’Cinneide

To paraphrase Professor R. Edward Freeman, entrepreneurs don’t just start businesses to make money, they start businesses because they are on fire about an idea.  …
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  • Energy Storage

Pushing energy storage further

Energy storage remains an emerging asset class in the UK with its ability to help keep the lights on continuing to be proven. It’s historically …
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  • Team

Why inclusion and diversity are good for business

8 March is International Women’s Day. This year we look at the reasons why having an inclusive workplace contributes to businesses’ innovation and profitability.   …
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  • Energy Storage

The German move away from gas

Germany, the biggest economy in the EU, has suspended the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.  These are the twin 1,224-kilometre pipelines, each of which has the …
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  • Energy Storage

Being smart about energy storage

As we’ve explored in recent weeks, energy storage can deliver a host of benefits to renewable energy asset owners and grid operators. Successful operation of …
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  • Energy Storage

Standalone storage continues to hit the right frequency

While energy storage can play a pivotal role in supporting renewable energy developments around the world, it has also emerged as a key standalone asset …
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  • Energy Storage

Moving past baseload

Detractors of renewable generation have always pointed to a lack of reliability as a key reason to keep fossil fuels dominant. Traditional generators, like gas …
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  • Energy Storage

Texas’s 2021 Winter Storms

As extreme weather events grow in frequency, legacy energy infrastructure is being tested like never before. We saw this in February 2021, when Winter Storm …
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  • Energy Storage

Keep The Lights On

As complex as the modern energy system can get, the ultimate goal of system operators remains the same: keep the lights on. When the transmission …
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  • Energy Storage

Public-Private Partnership – an agenda for COP 26

COP 26 marks the sixth anniversary of the 2015 Paris Agreement, and coincidentally, six years since the inception of Gore Street Capital Limited (GSC), the …
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  • Green Energy

Importance Of Energy Storage

What Is Energy Storage? Renewable energy comes from the world around us. Clean energy can come from solar power, hydro power and wind power, to …
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  • Renewables Investments

Why Is Renewable Energy Important

It is without a doubt that renewable energy or ‘clean energy’ is the way forward. The way the world is running at the moment is …
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