Click on the map to view details per jurisdiction:

World Map
ProjectLocationCapacity% Owned by
the Company
Site TypeStatusGrid AvailabilityTarget EnergisationBattery
LascarManchester, UK20.0 MW100%GreenfieldOperational  BYD
HulleyCheshire, UK20.0 MW100%GreenfieldOperational  BYD
LarportDerbyshire, UK19.5 MW100%GreenfieldOperational  BYD
GS10 (formerly known as Ancala)Across UK*11.2 MW100%Renewable GenerationOperational  BYD
Breach FarmDerbyshire, UK10.0 MW100%GreenfieldOperational  BYD
StonyMilton Keynes, UK79.9 MW100%GreenfieldOperational  To be confirmed
EnderbyLeicester, UK57.0 MW100%GreenfieldUnder Construction September 2024To be confirmed
MiddletonHeysham, North West, UK200.0 MW100%Greenfield 2026 To be confirmed
Lower RoadEssex, UK10.0 MW100%GreenfieldOperational  NEC ES
Port of TilburyLondon, UK9.0 MW100%PortOperational  NEC ES
BoulbyNorth Yorkshire, UK6.0 MW100%[1]Industrial MiningOperational  NEC ES
CeninWales, UK4.0 MW49%Renewable GenerationOperational  TESLA
MullavillyNorthern Ireland50.0 MW51%GreenfieldOperational  NEC ES
DrumkeeNorthern Ireland50.0 MW51%GreenfieldOperational  NEC ES
KilmannockRepublic of Ireland30 MW (phase one) plus 90 MW (phase two)100%Greenfield 2026 (phase one) / 2027 (phase 2) To be confirmed
MucklaghRepublic of Ireland75 MW51%Greenfield 2028 To be confirmed
PorterstownRepublic of Ireland30 MW (phase one) plus 60 MW (phase two)100%GreenfieldOperational (phase 2) To be confirmedFluence
49.9 MW100%GreenfieldOperational Jan-end 2024NIDEC
CremzowCremzow, Germany22.0 MW90%BrownfieldOperational  LG Chem - Leclanche
Mineral WellsTexas, USA9.95 MW100%Greenfield 2025 To be confirmed
Cedar HillTexas, USA9.95 MW100%Greenfield 2025 To be confirmed
Wichita FallsTexas, USA9.95 MW100%Greenfield 2025 To be confirmed
DogfishWest Texas, USA75MW100%GreenfieldUnder Construction February 2025TBD
MesquiteTexas, USA9.95 MW100%Greenfield 2025 To be confirmed
SkylineTexas, USA9.95 MW100%GreenfieldPre-Construction H2 2023To be confirmed
SnyderTexas, USA9.95 MW100%GreenfieldOperational  LG Chem
SweetwaterTexas, USA9.95 MW100%GreenfieldOperational  LG Chem
WestoverTexas, USA9.95 MW100%GreenfieldOperational  LG Chem
Big RockCalifornia, USA200MW / 400MW100%GreenfieldUnder Construction Dec - end 2024To be confirmed

View the Time-lapse video of Porterstown BESS
May 2021 - March 2022